Malawi Prisons Service (MPS) is a government department established under Chapter XVII of the Constitution of Malawi,1994 and the Prisons Act (Cap 9:02) of the Laws of Malawi. We exist to rehabilitate offenders for their reintegration as law abiding citizens. We contribute towards public safety and security by working together with other stakeholders in the criminal justice system and the community in general. MPS has four administrative regions; South, East, Central and North. Prisons in Malawi are categorized into Maximum Security Prisons and Medium Security.


The mandate of the MPS is stated in section 163 of the 1994 Republican Constitution which reads 'there shall be the Malawi Prisons Service which shall consist of all Penal institutions, Labour camps, special and secure schools and other institutions that are used to house, detain and rehabilitate persons sentenced to imprisonment in whatever form such imprisonment may take, but shall not include holding cells in police stations'

Professional and excellent correctional service that contributes to public security


To contribute to public security and safety through effective rehabilitation, reformation, development and community reintegration of offenders.

Core values

The Malawi Prisons Service will serve with:

Professionalism: Work professionally in carrying out our mandate and discharge of our duties

Transparency: Provide available information that is relevant to help us serve you appropriately

Accountability: Accept responsibility for our decisions, actions and use of resources

Objectivity: Our decisions and actions shall be based on merit and supported by tangible evidence aimed at achieving meaningful results

Human Dignity: Respect the dignity of all persons as inviolable

Integrity: Discharging official duties with dedication and honesty

Collaboration: Work with all stakeholder interested in the improvement and administrations of other people

Conscience: Discharging official duties with due regard to the feelings, needs and wants of others people

Innovativeness: We shall strive to inspire improvement in performances in keeping with vast and rapid changes in the society

Selflessness: Serving others with due regard to their interest and needs

Loyalty: Discharging duties with dedications, truthfulness and sincerity

Impartially: Treat everyone with fairness and equality

Our commitment

We commit ourselves to provide quality and timely service at all time. We further commit to deliver service to you by adhering to the following principles:

  • Respect human rights of all prisoners and members of staff and the general public
  • Provide secure and adequate infrastructure for prisoners and members of staff
  • Maintain optimal welfare standards
  • Provide prisoners with rehabilitations and reformations programmes
  • Take care and produce remand prisoners before the courts of law
  • Release and re-integrations of prisoners
  • Enhance linkages with partners in criminal justice system
  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders
  • Recruit and retaining well-disciplined and professionals staff
  • Promote equitable opportunities and enjoyment of other related benefits
  • Improve the prisons service image
  • Facilitate access to information about the Malawi Prisons Service

Useful Links

Malawi Government

Office of the Ombudsman

Malawi Legal Aid Bureau

Ministry of Justice

Malawi Law Commission

The Malawi Parliament

The Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB)

Malawi Law Society

Malawi Judiciary

Ministry of Information


The Principal Secretary

Ministry of Homeland Security

Private Bag 31054

Capital Hill Floor No:2

Lilongwe 3


Telephone: +265 1 772 745

Fax: +265 1 740 685

